* Have your tried to quit smoking and failed?
* Have you chewed enough gum and worn enough patches to last a lifetime?
Stop beating up on yourself and making yourself miserable. Believe it or not, will power and desire alone are not enough to quit smoking. Some people can do it that way. But, most people need more help and a few tools to be successful. Isn't it time to try a different way?
In this small group setting you will learn about nicotine addiction and how you can strengthen your resolve to kick the habit. You will become aware of your specific triggers and reinforce healthy alternatives that will help disentangle from cigarettes. You will gain a better understanding of cravings and how to manage them with more ease and less struggle. Each session is reinforced with a guided visualization that makes quitting smoking possible.
Choose to be free of cigarettes.
Call Joy today! 415-819-8769
$150.00 for all three sessions.
Official Website: http://www.joyreichard.com
Added by FullCalendar on June 21, 2009