Quesada Gardens Initiative, the home-grown grassroots network of gardens, gathering spaces and public art projects, continues a Bayview tradition:
Saturday community volunteer parties
Meet up every Saturday from 10am to 1pm-ish at 1747 Quesada (under the Canary Island Date Palms trees, just west of 3rd Street).
Bicyclists enjoy flatland peddling along Oakdale Ave and 3rd St. MUNI riders choose between T-Third light rail (Palou stop) and buses (23, 24 and 44 lines).
Volunteers should dress appropriately for weather and gardening. Gloves, tools, refreshments, and team leaders will be provided.
More Info? Contact Jeffrey Betcher at info at quesadagardens dot org or 415.822.0800.
Not from these parts, but still want to come play? Come on by and experience the best of Bayview, and the best in grassroots community strength as neighbors lead volunteer activities in the neighborhood's gardens and along its sidewalks.
The Quesada Gardens Initiative has always been volunteer-driven, began as an all-resident volunteer organization, and has hosted countless groups of volunteers from schools, businesses and social clubs.
Volunteers enjoy sharing tips about gardening with expert horticulturists, and learning about sustainable local systems that support cultural diversity, food production and healthy environments.
Official Website: http://quesadagardens.org
Added by Christopher Waddling on January 25, 2013