Hilton Hotel
Chicago, Illinois

"Queer Poets of Color on Craft: The Art of Decolonization" Panel

Saturday, March 3, 2012
Palmer House Hilton
17 E. Monroe St. (between Wabash & State St.)
Lobby Level, Honoré Ballroom

There is power in craft. Poets use craft to create possibility, ways of seeing, hearing, and moving the world, re-envisioning it. Queer poets of color use multiple techniques to shape language on the page and stage, the way words flicker across glowing screens and beat against the drums of our ears. From the generation and arrangement of text, to shifts in narrativity and delivery, and the use of multiple registers and media, this panel explores the decolonial power of skillful wor(l)d-weaving.

With: Ahimsa Timoteo Bodhrán, Samiya Bashir, Deborah A. Miranda, Ching-In Chen, Tamiko Beyer

Added by Scryptkeeper on November 13, 2011

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