New technology, global economies, growing diversity and new demographic trends are all affecting the workplace and the workforce in ways never imagined before. YES Youth Employment Conference helps you identify ways to keep ahead of the curve, to successfully recognize employment trends, to develop skills needed to effectively market yourself, to build your experience and portfolio, and to take advantage of the evolving demographics in the workplace.
During a full morning of videoconferencing, this exciting event brings together job trends experts, Human Resource Professionals, Career Coaches, Representatives from the public sector, presentations from communities across the province and the expertise of professionals at Youth Employment Services to deliver accurate and practical information specific to youth working in Quebec. Get a sense of the job opportunities for English speakers through videoconferenced presentations given by employers and communities across the province and participate actively in discussions with experts on job trends and the evolving workplace.
Personalize your Youth Conference experience with workshops on a variety of topics. Whether its how to set goals and scan the environment for jobs, or how to network effectively to take advantage of your social connections, the afternoon workshops on site in Montreal are geared to giving you real tools and resources so that you can be successful in the 21st century workplace.
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
Morning Keynote Address
How I do what I love and get paid for it with Todd van der Heyden! Not sure if you can still have your dream job? Todd tells his story of how he got to the job he loves as one of the top award-winning Canadian investigative television reporters and news anchors with CTV News. His credo is to never get discouraged by rejection. From a volunteer job at Vidotron cable access to the top anchor position atCTV, Todd will share with you lessons in hard-work, determination and resourcefulness he learned from his fast-paced and exciting career path.
10:10 AM
10:40 AM
Presentations of opportunities in regions
10:50 AM
Exploring the state of employment in Quebec
Jack Jedwab, Executive Director of the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS), will examine the Quebec labour market, and the current state of employment for English speakers in Quebec.
11:20 AM
Presentations of opportunities in the regions
11:45 AM
How to Land the Job(panel)
A panel with Human Resource professionals from the private sector, the Public Service Commission, YES Montreal and the Volunteer Bureau of Montreal that will discuss the steps to a successful job search and what employers look for in potential employees.
AFTERNOONSESSION (available in Montreal only)
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
Afternoon Keynote Address
ZAP the GAP with Meagan Johnson!Bright, funny and delightfully obnoxious, Meagan is known as the Generational Humourist!Meagan is an international speaker who has given talks to multinational employers and thousands of employees across North America.If you think you have heard all there is to hear about the four different generations in the workplace, you have not heard Meagans hilarious spin on how to work with people from every generation. You get to laugh while acquiring tools you can use immediately to improve your multi-generational relationships.
2:45 -3:45 PM
Workshop I (for descriptions, please see below)
4:00-5:00 PM
Workshop II (for descriptions, please see below)
Please note that as workshops fill up quickly, we cannot guarantee your selection. Workshops are on a first-come, first-served basis.
1. Move Your Life Forward Faster and More Efficiently
Scott Kesseler, Dale Carnegie Business Group
This workshop explores what special skills and attitudes you will need to polish in order to make yourself more relevant, how you can compete with moresenior workers for the same positions and what specifically you can do to prepare yourself for a brighter and more successful future.
2. First Impressions
Monica de Liz, Image 4 Success
This workshop will discuss effective rules to look the part and avoid common dressing mistakes that can sabotage your career. Monica encourages all the participants to attend her presentation dressed as they are going to a job interview since part of her talk will be an interactive style consultation with some members of the audience on their specific concerns about this topic.
3. Entrepreneurship: Hire yourself!
Eric Yeargan, YES Montreal
Being the boss is becoming more popular for a variety of reasons. It definitely requires equal doses of passion and priority-management, but with careful planning and sound support, entrepreneurship can be a viable alternative to the traditional job market. Come and learn how to get started!
4.Six Steps to Public Speaking Excellence
Suzannah Baum, Ideal Communications
Most entrepreneurs, business professionals and students are required to do presentations or an occasional speech. In this session youll learn the concrete steps that you can take to learn the basic skills you need to create and deliver a career-building, reputation-enhancing presentation.
5. The Inside Lane: How to Fast-Track Your Career By Making the Right Decisions Today!
Jaclyn Schwartzman and Ellen Englert, YES Montreal
Learn how to set realistic career goals and how to design a sensible plan to achieve them, how to work with, instead of against, procrastination and how to stay motivated in achieving your goals. Get your career into the fast lane today!
Organized by YES MontrealAs a not-for-profit organization, YES Montreal (Youth Employment Services) enriches the community by providing English-language support services to help Quebecers find employment and start businesses.
Ticket Info: Youth Employment Conference Montreal Attendees Only, C$15.00
Official Website: http://youthemploymentconference-upcoming.eventbrite.com