900 Fairgrounds Dr.
Vallejo, California

WHAT IS QUATRE CON? "HORROR, SCIFI, SUPERNATURAL AND PARANORMAL" - But also has a Steampunk Ball, Film Festival Contest, so many Celebs, and Thirty-Six Hours to hang out with them !

Heres the entire run down, website is updating daily, get your Tix now, this will be a large Event, and we can only sell the Max at the Venue, no exceptions.

"More Events & Guests will be announced, this is just a partial listing below"!

"The Quatre Con Film Festival and Conference was established in order to offer more prospects and publicity for filmmakers, writers, artists and video game developers working within the horror, science fiction, supernatural, and paranormal genres".

"Only some of the celebrities that will be in attendance": (more to be announced, watch website for updates!)

*Kane Hodder -"Friday the 13th" & Hatchet", Founder of Hollywood Ghost Hunters
*Rick McCallum - "Darkwolf", Stunt man and Co-founder of The Hollywood Ghost Hunters
*Tommy Lee Wallace - "Mike Myers" from the Original Halloween
*Vernon Wells - Road Warrior, Innerspace
*Peter Mayhew - Star Wars Chewbacca
•Walter Koenig – Mr. Chekov in the original Star Trek television series and in the several movies
•William Katt – Greatest American Hero, House, Hero’s
Spooked TV's Booth Brothers Productions "as seen on Sy Fy – Children of the Grave, Spooked and The Possessed”.
•Dirk Benedict – Battlestar Galatica, A-Team
Loyd Auerbach - Professor Paranormal & Parapsychologist
•Brian Harnois – Ghost Hunters & Ghost Hunters International
*George P Wilbur - Halloween 4 & 6,Planet Of The Apes, Firestarter, Die Hard, Ghostbusters I & II, Escape From New York, Poltergeist I & II, Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn, Re-Animator, Total Recal
*Keith and Sandra Johnson - Demonologists as seen on Ghost Hunters & Paranormal State
•Marshall Bell – Starship Troopers, Total Recall, nightmare on Elm Street 2
•Fulvio Cecere – Watchmen, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, The Dead Zone, Taken, Smallville
•Michelle Burke – Coneheads, Sliders, Tales from the Crypt, Dazed and Confused
•Jason London - Dazed And Confused, Carrie 2, Jason And The Argonauts, The Prophecy: Forsaken
•Walter Phelan - House Of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, From Dusk Til Dawn, Masters Of Horror
•Daniele Harris – Halloween (2007), Halloween 2 (2009), Halloween 4 & 5, Urban Legends

"Plus many More to be announced" !

Some other Events scheduled:
*Musical Guests include "Abney Park"

•Film Festival Screenings
•Fangtastic SteamPunk Ball
*Miss "Quatre Con 2010" (See website for details)!
•Celebrity Ghost Hunt
•Costume & Short Story Contests
•Sci Fi Center and Horror Hall
•Q&A sessions, Workshops, and Lectures
•Haunting Horror walkthrough
•Exhibitor Center & Vendor Hall
*Meet, Greet, Autographs and pictures with your favorite "Horror, SciFi, Supernatural and Paranormal" Actors
*Much more, keep watching the website!

Get booked & be ready for an amazing Thirty hour weekend of "Horror, SciFi, Supernatural and Paranormal", and much more !

Questions? "Office number on Website", try using:

Contact the Manager: Craig Appel @ manager@quatrecon.com
Contact the Booking Manager: contact E. Gossard @ Onyxmoonagy@yahoo.com

WHERE: Vallejo CA (See Venue area on Website for full details!)

VENDORS: Don’t miss a chance to sell your goods, products or services, to thousands of Patrons to be in attendance, see the website section for Vendors, and get booked now, limited space is available !

SPONSORS: Your business will be offered so much to a huge amount of people, as well, advertised in all Media, websites, banners, and press releases. Please see the Website to become a major Sponsor for the “Quatre Con 2010”. “Get full details of all you will receive as a Sponsor , see Sponsor section on the Website today”!

volunteers are hand selected by the QuatreCon Management and not all applicants are accepted to volunteer.


Official Website: http://www.wix.com/Walkaplank/Quatrecon

Added by OnyxMoonAgy on September 27, 2009