There can be little doubt that quantum theory is one of the most thought provoking and challenging of all scientific revolutions. It is both compelling and baffling, yet some insist that it must be incomplete or fundamentally flawed. It certainly raises important questions (for scientists and philosophers): do the discoveries of quantum theorists such as Bohr, Heisenberg and Schr?dinger, among others, show or imply that certainty is not attainable? To what extent, if any, can these theories be generalised (into something like a world-view or a broad view of the nature of matter and energy)? Would a unifying theory help us to overcome some of these obstacles or would it introduce even greater complexity and perplexity? Indeed, was certainty attainable in any sense prior to these revolutionary developments? We shall find out in this fully illustrated course! Details of this event may be subject to change. Please visit for more information or to register.
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Added by ccesydney on November 10, 2011