1000 N. Alameda St.,
Los Angeles, California 90012

Thursday, May 28, 2009
7:30am to 4:00pm
The California Endowment
1000 N. Alameda St.
Los Angeles, Ca 90012
(Conveniently located next to Union Station)

It's that time of year again! PACLAC's Annual Conference entitled Quality of Life for Families XIll: Improving the Outcomes of Pregnancy is scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 2009 at the The California Endowment's Center for Healthy Communities in Downtown Los Angeles, next to Union Station. This annual conference allows for the important dissemination of new and emerging clinical practice standards as well as an opportunity to discuss health-related issues affecting the perinatal community.The program is designed for perinatal nurses, pediatricians, obstetricians, neonatologists, hospital administrators and other professionals responsible for the care of mothers and/or newborns. Topics presented will explore areas of rapid change and significant influence on the practice of perinatal and neonatal care, with an emphasis on optimizing outcomes for mother and infant.


7:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Opening Remarks
Kim Uyeda, MD, MPH, President, PAC/LAC Board of Directors
8:15 a.m. The Placentas Critical Role in Diagnosing a Newborn
Kurt Benirschke, MD Professor of Pathology and Reproductive Medicine, Emeritus
University of California San Diego School of Medicine
9:15 a.m. Are NORMAL Vaginal Births Possible?
Kimberly Gregory, MD, MPH, Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Elliott K. Main, MD, Chair, OB/GYN California Pacific Medical Center
Rangasamy Ramanathan, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
Keck School of Medicine, USC
Associate Division Chief
USC Division of Neonatal Medicine
10:15 a.m. Break and Exhibits
10:45 a.m. Concurrent Session I
A. Saving Mothers Lives: A CMQCC Update
Elliott K. Main, MD, Chair, OB/GYN, California Pacific Medical Center
Principle Investigator, CMQCC
Debra Bingham, MS, RN,LCCE, DrPH(c), Executive Director,
Diana Ramos, MD, MPH, Director, Reproductive Health
Los Angeles Public Health Department
B. Technology Advances: Perfusion Index and Pleth Variability Index
Maribeth Sayre, MD, Retired Neonatologist, Former Chief of Neonatology
Oakland Children's Hospital

C. Get Ready to Get Pregnant: An Innovative Approach to Perinatal Care
Michael Lu, MD, MS, MPH, Associate Professor, Department of OB/GYN
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Study Location Principal Investigator
National Children's Sutdy Los Angeles & Ventura

11:45 a.m. Lunch and Exhibits
12:45 p.m. Concurrent Session II
A. Electronic Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring: Evolution of Consensus
David Miller, MD, Professor, Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology
Keck School of Medicine, CHLA
Medical Director
CHLA-USC Institute for Maternal-Fetal Health
B. Methemoglobinemia
Mitchell Goldstein, MD, Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Division of Neonatology,
Loma Linda University Children's Hospital

C. When Does Adult Disease Begin? Fetal Programming and Epigenetics
Calvin J. Hobel, MD, Miriam Jacobs Chair in Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Department of OB/GYN
UCLA Keck School of Medicine, CHLA
Co-Principal Investigator,
National Children's Study Los Angeles & Ventura

1:45 p.m. Concurrent Session III
A. Technology and Obstetrics: Is More Really Better?
Matthew Kim, MD, Chief, Inpatient Obstetrics
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
B. Transporting Californias Sickest Newborns: Quality Issues and Opportunities
Lisa Bollman, RNC, MSN, CPHQ, Executive Director
Community Perinatal Network
2:35 p.m. Break and Exhibits
2:45 p.m. PAC/LAC Annual Meeting/ Presidential Inauguration
2:55 p.m. When Does A Guideline Turn Into A Standard Of Care?
William Ginsburg, JD, ABOTA, FACLM
WHG Mediation & Arbitration Services
3:40 p.m. Closing Remarks/CEU Certificates/Raffles

4:00 p.m. Conference Close

Continuing Education
MDs: The Perinatal Advisory Council - Leadership, Advocacy and Consultation (PAC/LAC) is accredited by the Institute for Medical Quality/ California Medical Association (IMQ/CMA) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. PAC/LAC takes responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of this CME activity. PAC/LAC designates this educational activity for a maximum of 5.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s). Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This credit may also be applied to the CMA Certification in Continuing Medical Education.

Nurses: The Perinatal Advisory Council - Leadership, Advocacy and Consultation (PAC/LAC) is an approved provider by the California Board of Registered Nursing Provider Number CEP 5862. This course is designated for 6.5 contact hours of continuing education credit.

MFT/LCSWs: This event is approved for 5.5 Continuing Education units by the California Board of Behavioral Sicence Examiners, Provider # PCE3704 (Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Branch).
CHES: Application has been made to the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC) for CHES Category I continuing education contact hours (CECH). Please contact PAC/LAC for more details.

If you have any questions, please contact PACLAC at (818) 708-2850 or email Lisa Pettinato at lpettinato@paclac.org .

Organized by PAC/LAC
The Perinatal Advisory Council: Leadership, Advocacy and Consultation (PAC/LAC) has been a leading maternal and child health organization since its incorporation as a non-profit 501(c)(3) agency in 1981. PAC/LACs mission is to improve perinatal health outcomes by providing leadership, education and support to professionals and systems caring for women and their families. Childrens health and well-being start with a healthy pregnancy and the events that occur during an infants first few hours of life. PAC/LAC strives to make those first health experiences the best by ensuring that pregnant women, babies, and families are cared for by the most competent professionals in well-equipped health care settings. PAC/LAC has a long-standing reputation of excellence in the community for our work with hospitals and health care professionals.
For more information, please visit our website at www.paclac.org

Ticket Info:  
  • PAC/LAC Member Conference Registration, $102.50
  • PAC/LAC Nonmember Conference Registration, $128.12
  • PAC/LAC Individual Membership AND Conference Registration, $164.00

Official Website: http://paclac-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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