421 Maiden Lane
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301


“I find leads and referrals at every single event without ever having to be pushy or sales-y. Do NOT miss it!”
- Piyush Parikh, Engineer Your Business

Powerful, effective, and highly-organized national event gives you the forum to get the quality connections you need to grow your business. Learn how to network effectively and simply, no matter what your business is! Connect one-on-one with more than a dozen contacts, and get networking skills that will set you head and shoulders above your competitors. You’ll find new leads and referrals without having to ever be pushy or sales-y.

Brought to you by Candy Sugarman of PlayBig Online Marketing - 910.960.7618 and SocialCandy@earthlink.net

WHEN: April 19, 2012 6pm
WHERE: AIT Building - Downtown Fayetteville
COST: Pre-registration, $14. Late registration and at the door, $20

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: http://wp.me/P1jgm8-M3

Contact your local coordinator, Candy Sugarman at 910.960.7618 or SocialCandy@earthlink.net for more information.

Event powered by The Business Speed Network

Official Website: http://wp.me/P1jgm8-M3

Added by candysugarman on April 5, 2012

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