112 Rivington St
New York City, New York 10002

Once again it’s on! Your friends at P .I. M and Gorilla Promo present to you another dosage of pure uncut Hip-Hop music Live! You get the revolutionary, live sound of the legendary hiphop ensemble Quad Almighty & The Powers That Be. Quad Almighty and The Powers that Be adds new depth to the milieu of the hip hop band. Conscientious lyrics laid over eclectic jazz beats infused with the soul of hip hop. The stinging lyrics of Quad Almighty are complemented by the lively tunes of The Powers that Be , his live hip hop ensemble. Plus! The soulful sounds of Akua Taylor and Two Shades Darker, plus the rhythmic enchantment of Nena Bleu and Bleu Magic! I know it is almost to much to take in all at once, but I challenge you to push your limits! The Cover is $10 but you can get in for $7 if you say Quad Almighty at the door! Come join us! It’s the greatest show on earth.

Official Website: http://www.quadalmighty.com

Added by quadalmighty on March 3, 2008