Quaking in the Roots
A Literary Reading: Saturday, October 17th, 5:30-7:30 pm
Curated by Root Division Resident Artist Randall Miller
With special guest Silvi Alcivar of the Poetry Store.
Quaking in the Roots occurs during Phase I of LitCrawl, a night of free readings occurring throughout the Mission District as part of Litquake's Tenth Annual San Francisco Literary Festival.
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Root Division is proud to host a night of fiction, literary performance, and creative wizardry by five Bay Area writers. Invoking various muses, this selection of writers has something for everyone. Their storytelling spans opposite shores, from the intimate to the explosive, the vulgar to the exquisite, the mundane to the metaphysical. Christopher Lura will be reading excerpts from a novella-in-progress entitled The Myth of Coalescence. Eric Olsen will be reading from his novel, The Procession of Mollusks (Astrophil Press, 2009). Miranda Mellis will read a brief story about bank-sponsored cultural activities, and with the audience's help, invoke the ghost of Vladimir Ilich Lenin to get his take on our manifold crises of state.
Featured Readers:
Christopher Cook
Mateo Hoke
Christopher Lura
Miranda Mellis
Eric E. Olsen
To find out more about LitQuake visit:
To find out more about LitCrawl visit:
Event Date: Saturday, October 17th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm (Readings begin promptly at 6 pm)
Sliding Scale Suggested Donation: $2-$20
3175 17th Street (at South Van Ness & Shotwell)
San Francisco, CA 94110
Mateo Hoke is a wild animal living in San Francisco. He writes text tattoos and is often caught looking in stranger’s eyes. He is not a natural truth-teller.
Miranda Mellis is the author of The Revisionist (Calamari Press) and Materialisms (Portable Press at Yo Yo Labs). Her writing has appeared in Tin House, The Believer, Modern Painters, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. She teaches at the California College of the Arts and Mills College.
Eric E. Olson is the author of “The Procession of Mollusks" (2009, Astrophil Press). He teaches creative writing and literature at California College of the Arts.
Christopher Cook is an award-winning journalist and author of Diet for a Dead Planet: Big Business and the Coming Food Crisis. His writing has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Harper's, The Economist, Mother Jones, The Christian Science Monitor, The Nation, and many others. He is at work on a road memoir.
Christopher Lura’s writing has appeared in numerous small magazines and journals. He is the editor of Paul Revere’s Horse, a San Francisco based literary journal.
Root Division is an arts & arts education non-profit located in the Mission District of San Francisco. Root Division's mission is to improve appreciation and access to the visual arts by connecting personal inspiration and community participation. We provide subsidized studio space to working artists in exchange for their service in creating shared learning opportunities for the community. Artists develop creatively and professionally by teaching art to under served youth, leading adult education classes, and producing exhibitions that showcase local emerging artwork. By combining multiple opportunities for creative exchange, Root Division cultivates an artistic ecosystem that enriches life throughout the Bay Area.
Root Division is supported in part by grants from Grants for the Arts: San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund & Voluntary Arts Contribution Fund, The San Francisco Foundation, and the Walter & Elise Haas Fund. The Second Saturday Exhibition Series is sponsored by the Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation, the San Francisco Arts Commission through a Cultural Equity Grant/Organizational Project Grant, and the Zellerbach Family Foundation.
For further information regarding events and/or press materials, please do not hesitate to contact Selene Foster at 415.863.7668 or _
Official Website:
Added by rootdivision on September 29, 2009