595 Lawrence Expressway (intersecting with Duane)
Sunnyvale, California 94085

Qi Gong Classes at The College of Tai Chi, SaturdaysQi Gong classes are being held at the College of Tai Chi at UEWM (University of East-West Medicine) on Saturdays. We offer a morning class in Englsh and an evening class in Chinese.

Qi Gong classes in English:
10am to 12noon
595 Lawrence Expressway
Sunnyvale, CA 95051
(New Campus)

Qi Gong classes in Mandarin Chinese:
970 West El Camino Real
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(Old Campus)

Come by and try out your first class for free!
The College of Tai Chi at the University of East-West Medicine is the first institution of higher learning in the United States to offer a Masters Degree in Tai Chi. Inquiries about our Masters Program are welcome. The Qi Gong class is suitable for all skill levels.

Certificate programs also available.
Come and learn the ancient art of Qi Gong at the College of Tai Chi. While it generally takes several months to learn the basics of a Tai Chi form, Qi Gong sets can be learned in a much shorter period of time and offer the same kind of benefits.
For more info, come to our Saturday class or contact Rolf at: rolf@uewm.edu

Added by tomstudiestaiji on July 20, 2009