Time to make Quality Connections. At this event, you won't just get a pile of business cards - you’ll walk out with high quality contacts, and networking skills that will set you head and shoulders above your competition.
What to expect. First, you'll get tips on how to network like a professional, and then you'll go through Speed Rounds where you'll meet 15-20 people one-on-one. To get in front of the whole group (50 to 100 people are expected), consider sponsoring the event. Contact your local coordinator, Christine Davis, for more information.
How it's different. Have you been to other Speed Networking events? They're usually over-crowded, full of with people who want to sell you something, and so loud you can hardly hear yourself think. Luckily at a QC event, selling is discouraged, and our format allows everyone to hear their partner!
Don't worry if you're not an expert networker. You'll get training on how to make your speed rounds most effective!
Register Now
Single registration cost is $14, or bring a friend for the best deal - 2 for $24!
Thanks to our Sponsors!
Bob Ford Golf Training Academy
For more exposure to the 50-100 business owners attending this event, consider Sponsorship! Contact Christine Davis for details.
Pre-Registration is needed.
Official Website: http://tinyurl.com/JacksonFeb7
Added by christine_davis51 on January 11, 2012