Our 20th Anniversary Psychic Fair by the Pyramid of Enlightenment, Saturday and Sunday, August 6th & 7th, 2011, Pyramid of Enlightenment Spiritual Center, 8101 E. Washington Street, (Exit 46 off of I-465 at East Washington Street and Franklin Road) Indianapolis, IN, 12 noon to 8 p.m. Both Days. $5.00 Admission, Psychic Reading $10.00 for 15 minutes (cash discount). There will be Readers of all types including astrology, clairvoyance, numerology, palmistry and tarot. Free readings and extra door prizes given away every hour. Candy will be available all day. For more information, please call 899-7590, or visit us on the web http://www.pyramid-of-enlightenment.com
Official Website: http://www.pyramid-of-enlightenment.com/
Added by pyramid ads on July 26, 2011