WHEN: Sunday, February 18, 2007, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: PWC Park Authority Headquarters, 14420 Bristow Road, Manassas,directions
CONTACT: Prince William Conservation Alliance, 703.499.4954, alliance@pwconserve.org
* Opening Remarks - Mike May, Occoquan District Supervisor
* Welcome - Jay Ellington, PWC Park Authority, Executive Director
* Overview of Current Opportunities - Community Coalition of Citizens Groups
* Breakout sessions - (1) Parks, (2) Trails, (3) Open Space
Attend one or all of the breakout sessions to share your views and ideas!
Many citizens are concerned that Prince William County has neglected parks and open space needs. Prince William County has less park acreage per every 1,000 residents than neighboring jurisdictions and things are still getting worse!
Between 2000 and 2005, total park acreage/1,000 residents has dropped by 15%. And, according to the County's Citizen Satisfaction Surveys, citizen satisfaction with the County's efforts to preserve open space has dropped by 18 points since 1999.
Prince William is currently revising the County's goals for Parks and Open Space. This process started more than two years ago. On January 24, 2007, after significant community opposition to a plan that continued to set low goals, the Planning Commission deferred a decision on the draft plan presented by Planning staff for a second time.
Citizens, not willing to continue to wait for an adequate proposal from the County, have formed a Community Coalition of Citizen Groups and are working on a draft plan to present to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. Read more...
We hope you take a couple hours to join us on Sunday afternoon, February 18, to share your views and goals for parks and open space in Prince William County!
Official Website: http://www.pwconserve.org
Added by khosen on February 14, 2007