47 Ave B.
New York City, New York 10003

Now at Le Souk Harem

The Global Grooves will be banging on Friday August 27th from 7pm until the sun comes up, I'm not joking folks, Le Souk Harem gets crazy on Fridays and only be more maddening with a 1 hour open bar, and great hookahs, Belly Dancers live drummers, DJ Nighshade and your M.C. for the evening ME!!! I'll see you all there, at the door and the dance floor.

When: August 27th 7pm

Where: Le Souk 47 Ave B 212 777 5454
between 3rd and fourth streets

Directions: Best Bet, F,B,V,D to Trains to 2nd ave and houston exit at 1st ave and wlk the rest or take the M9 to 4th and B or the M14B I promise its well worth the trip.

What: World Groove CD Release Party, Free CD Giveaways, Putumayo T-Shirts will be on sale as well as the World Grooove CD

Who: DJ Nightshade ofAy Papi Prodcutions on the decks (wear your dancing shoes, you'll be on Nighshade's Turf and you will not want to sit down) J.Valentin and CO will be . Banging out the Percussions and the Sultry Le Souk Belly Dancers. with yours Truly iMergeAndSee of OutofaWhole fame M.C.ing the event.

RSVP: eventsny@putumayo.com

Ay Papi Productions

for info on:
Ay Papi-email aypapiiproductions@yahoo.com
Le Souk- http://www.lesoukny.com/?clubplanet

21 and Over bring I.D.!!! (its illegal in the state of New york to travel, walk the street, spit, breathe without an ID)

Added by tesfa on August 6, 2004

Interested 2