Tonight at 5 PM, there's going to be a rally at The FreeStamp just to the west of East Ninth Street and Lakeside, at Willard Park. You may have already heard this on the radio yesterday or seen this on Cool Cleveland a few days ago--
"Put It On The Ballot Rally-- With over 10K signatures already in place, the folks at Put It On the Ballot are making a big push. They're trying to get the necessary numbers for a proposed increased sales tax in Cuyahoga County (for the Medical Mart and new Convention Center) on the ballot. People on the other side of the issue are getting nervous; an airplane at Jacobs Field circled recently with a banner telling the crowds massed below not to sign the petition. Have you ever thought how counterproductive it is telling Clevelanders NOT to do something? Come to Oldenburg and van Bruggen’s Free Stamp located in Willard Park downtown on Lakeside on Sat 8/18 starting at 5 PM and see what the noise is about. Sign your name to protect your right to vote. Let your politicians know it's not okay with you to have your rights circumvented."
Come by, help us collect signatures and hand out more petitions to new circulators. We have no shortage of ready, willing, and eager signers in this county, but we need more circulators to hold the clipboards and "man" the signature ironing boards while they sign. Given the constraints of time, we need to add a greater number of circulators to make sure we slam dunk this on the 24th.
We already have potential to get 130,000+ signatures in Cuyahoga County+
I will also be posting this event at to help with directions.
Willard Park is named after one of our patriotic painters, Archibald Willard, who was from Bedford, where I grew up. Willard's best-known piece embodies what made this country great, The Spirit of '76. Once again, we have to rally to protect our basic freedoms, 231 years later.
Let's crank up the The Spirit of 2007 tonight at Willard Park. By the FreeStamp.
Remember, freedom does not come "free."
Official Website:
Added by timferris on August 18, 2007