Boost your confidence in your soap making skills/ability as you learn to push the boundaries of traditional cold process soap making. By manipulating temperature and amount of water, you can speed up work and cure time, and enjoy the fruits of your labor sooner!
You’ll learn the “energy exchange” technique (also known as room-temperature cold process) in which the oils are warmed and melted using the energy generated by the lye-water solution. This time-saving technique works beautifully in many cases, but can cause a soaping disaster in others. This class will help you discern how best to employ it in your own work.
You’ll also learn how to reduce the amount of water you use to make the lye solution so that you can speed up drying and cure times. Reducing the water, sometimes called “water discount” creates a more concentrated lye solution, which can present a number of challenges. Acceleration, over heating, and scent morphing are some of these, and through hands-on experience we will address them in a series of experimental batches.
Techniques This Class Will Cover:
* Energy Exchange Cold Process and how to use it to your advantage.
* Water Discount / Reduction and how to use it effectively & safely.
* Combining both techniques for optimum processing speed and shorter dry/cure time.
In additional to all the knowledge/experience gained in class, all students will take home helpful handouts, class workbook with tips on taking useful lab notes and bars of the experimental soaps created in class.
Come Learn How to Safely Push the Limits of Your Cold Process Soap!
$99 (+ $25 MAT FEE)
Official Website:
Added by novastudio on March 15, 2008