Purity, Passion & Purpose
By those who come nearMe I will be treated as holy, and before allpeople I will be honored. Leviticus 10:3
Praise & Worship Dance Conference
July 9th,10th& 11th 2009
Praise and Worship Dance Conference hosted by:
God First Breakthrough Ministries
Dance Ministry Kadosh
115 Old Conyers Road
Stockbridge, GA 30281
Thursday, July 9th
Evening Service 7:30pm
Friday, July 10th
Classes all day 8:00am - 4:00pm
Evening Service 7:30pm
Saturday, July 11th
Classes All day 8:00am - 2:00pm
Leadershiplunch Saturday 12:30pm - 2:00pm
Evening Service 5:00pm - 100 Worshipers in White
Registration includes continentalbreakfast Friday & Saturday
All evening services are free & open to all
Classes include:
Youth in Praise
Childrens track
Ballet & Modern Dance
Leadership round table
Flags Ministry
Praise Garments
Mime etc.
Much Much More
For Additional Information contact
Sis. Tricia Edmuondson 770-875-2614
Sis. Mesean Jones 770-312-4072
Sis Kaela Jackson 404-944-1730
Sis. Natasha Johnson - 404-402-0030
Or email us at
Organized by Kadosh Dance - God First Breakthrough Ministries
Ticket Info: - Pre Registration - Adult, $30.99
- Pre-Registration - Teen, $20.99
- Pre Registration - Child, $15.99
- Late Registration - Adult, $35.99
- Late Registration - Teen, $25.99
- Late Registration - Chlid, $20.99
- T-Shirt - Pre Order - Adult, $15.99
- T-Shirt - Child, $10.99
- Conference Tote, $6.99
- Leadership Lunch, $10.99
- Leadership Lunch (for groups of 10+), Free
Official Website: http://kadoshdance-upcoming.eventbrite.com