Sun, Feb 28, 11am to 2pm; Family Connections for families with kids 0-3 9:30am - 11:00
Contact: Deborah Newbrun
1500 celebrants expected for Purim Palooza at Osher Marin JCC
The Jewish holiday of Purim will be celebrated in style by the broader Marin community on Sunday, February 28th, at a Family Carnival at the Osher Marin JCC, 200 North San Pedro Road in San Rafael, from 11am-2pm. Following tradition, costumes are encouraged and attendees are asked to bring a can of food to donate to the Marin Food Bank. The Jewish community campus will be filled with live performances, carnival games, a bounce house, arts and crafts activities, face painting and henna tattoo booths, adult learning opportunities and food concessions. A roving juggler and balloon man will entertain and prizes will be awarded for various activities.
From 9:30-11:30am, families with children 0-3 years old are invited to attend a special Family Connections program which includes fun, interactive activities.
A highlight of the day will be the live game show 'Who Wants to be a Minyanaire? - Shpiel or No Shpiel', a satirical program that will feature teams from each of the three campus partners and event co-sponsors - the JCC, Brandeis Hillel Day School and Congregation Rodef Sholom - competing on their knowledge of the Purim holiday. JCC Scholar Rabbi Darren Kleinberg will be offering a short class on 'Jews and Booze', dispelling myths about Jews and alcohol abuse, on Purim and throughout the year.
You don't have to be Jewish to enjoy this festive celebration. Everyone is welcome to partake in the festivities and learn about Purim. Information is available at and 415-444-8000.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 22, 2010