Pure Chicago presents: "Mutiny" at Vision Nightclub-10/16/10 | With: Christian Burhardt, Jason Patrick, Frederick Zahm, Savile, Lee Jarvis & Prep. Step | Password "Pure" for no cover before 12/reduced after | Reservations for Bottle Specials/Drink Packages/Comp Champagne Tables can be made by contacting Pure Chicago at: 630-699-4291 or events@pure-chicago.com | Connect with us: HTTP://PURE-CHICAGO.COM, HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://TWITTER.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://MYSPACE.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://GOING.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://YOUTUBE.COM/PURECHICAGO1 | Join our mailing list for event updates & special offers: http://fs10.formsite.com/purechicago/pure
Added by PURE CHICAGO on October 5, 2010