632 N. Dearborn
Chicago, Illinois 60610

Pure Chicago presents: Moguai at Vision | 3/19/11 | With DJ's: Rj Pickens, Polbeeta & Dreamst8 | Password "Pure" for VIP cover all night | Tables reservations or Drink packages please contact: Anthony at 630-699-4291 or events@pure-chicago.com | Connect with us: HTTP://PURE-CHICAGO.COM, HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://TWITTER.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://MYSPACE.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://GOING.COM/PURECHICAGO, HTTP://YOUTUBE.COM/PURECHICAGO1 | Join our mailing list for event updates & special offers: http://fs10.formsite.com/purechicago/pure

Added by PURE CHICAGO on March 14, 2011

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