735 Anderson Hill Road
Purchase, New York 10577

Purchase College will present the 28th annual Natural and Social Sciences Symposium on April 25 from 8:45 AM to 1 PM in the Natural Science Building. Distinguished alumni will join seniors and faculty members at this forum for the presentation of original scientific research conducted by Purchase College students.

The program represents the best of the science programs offered at Purchase College with undergraduate students reporting on year-long research conducted collaboratively with senior science faculty members.

Topics to be presented this year include research on the ethnography of TV fans, how men think, the rise of Japanese pop culture in the West, reactions of pessimists and optimists during a creativity task, whether preschools use gender cues when interpreting emotions, an analysis of sustainability in the US’s mega food markets, myths surrounding rape, an online mapping math game, and a look at terrorism as the new Communism.

The Symposium consists of concurrent sessions in anthropology, biology, chemistry, environmental studies, economics, math, computer science, political science, psychology, sociology, women’s studies, media, society & the arts.

Added by sfpr on April 22, 2009

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