3801 Computer Dr., Suite 101
Raleigh, North Carolina 27609

Olalah Njenga, a marketing strategist, author of 37 What Were They Thinking Moments in Marketing (www.37What.com or Amazon.com) and creator of the Marketing With Ease™ system (www.MarketingWithEase.com), shares insights into the power of using press releases as super-charged content.

General Admission - Workshop Only Mar 18, 2010 $18.55

General Admission & Autographed Copy Of Olalah's Book : 37 What Were They Thinking Moments In Marketing Mar 18, 2010 $33.18

This is not a “how to” workshop on press release writing. This is a marketing workshop on using press releases as a content tool to bolster your credibility. Press releases are an effective way to position your company (or yourself), but it takes a certain combination to make them both news worthy and worth reading.

Using press releases as content is equal parts art, science, skill and luck. Do you feel lucky? Well do ya?

If you’re not feeling so lucky, or just curious as to why some press releases attract media attention and others don’t, join us as we explore:

•How to write press releases that make you quotable
•The key elements that make press releases worth reading
•A super easy “journalism trick” for writing your own press releases
•The top 3 mistakes business professionals make when writing press releases
•Why it might be worth it to pay for press release distribution (instead of using free sites)

Register today! Seats are limited.

Sorry. No waiting lists for this workshop.

Olalah's Websites:




Official Website: http://pumpup.eventbrite.com/

Added by alebak on March 2, 2010