St Robert Community Center, St Robert, MO
On Old Route 66
All Bikes & Cars Welcome
Registration fees Bikes Pre - $10, Door $15
Registration fees Cars Pre - $15, Door $20
Registration from 9am to 2pm
Over 20 classes for cars and bikes
Show and Contest begins at 2pm
Awards Ceremony and Raffle drawings @ 7pm
Trophies will be awarded in each class/category
Winners will be picked by the public
Rain or Shine 9am - Until ?
“Bring the Family”
General Admission - $5.00 per person
Children 12 and under admitted free with an Adult
With Live Music Provided By
We will also have Vendors and Food
For more information call Bob@ 573-528-0300 or Donut @ 573-337-0783
Paid for in part by the Pulaski County Tourism Board
Added by demo9339 on June 16, 2009