Interested in getting together with other local interaction designers and user experience professionals? Looking for an opportunity to discuss some key topics facing the field, such as Interaction Design in an Agile environment?
For our next Puget Sound IxDA meetup, we will be having an IxDA Interactions 08 conference redux. We will show some selected video clips from the recent conference — such as Alan Cooper's "An Insurgency of Quality" talk – and then use the video to drive a group discussion about our own experiences and ideas on each topic.
Whether you were at the Interaction08 ( ) or not, come share your thoughts on Agile development and other topics with other local designers!
When: May 1, 6:30 PM Where: Art Building, Room 236* *University of Washington, Seattle Campus
A map of the campus with the Art Building circled in red: /maps /northcentral.html?99,94,757,241
Parking is available on campus — An evening rate begins at 4 p.m. and is $5/evening.
No registration is required for this free meeting.
Official Website:
Added by lkwds on April 23, 2008