504 E Locust St
Des Moines, California 50309

When: Wednesday, Sep 26 at 6 pm

What: YBCAlive!: Dark Matters – Artist as Investigator: Strategies and Tactics

Where: YBCA Screening Room

701 Mission Street

San Francisco, CA 94103

Public Info: $10 Regular / FREE for YBCA Members

Public info: 415.978.2787 and www.ybca.org

Contact: Adriane Lee, alee@ybca.org 451.321.1307

Artists are invited to join Dark Matters exhibition artist, activist and experimental geographer Trevor Paglen and investigative journalist AC Thompson in a tour/presentation that offers hi-tech, innovative strategies for gathering information kept secret by the government. This hands-on workshop will focus on the process, research and discovery tactics for artists who want to conduct their own investigations for underground projects.

Official Website: http://www.ybca.org

Added by nglnd_lzbth on September 10, 2007

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