When: Tuesday, Sep 11 at 6:30 pm
What: Artists InSight: Presenting Performing Arts, From Theory to Practice with Kenneth Foster
Where: YBCA Screening Room
701 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Public Info: $10 regular/Free for Members or with a KASSYS performance ticket
Public info: 415.978.2787 and www.ybca.org
Contact: Adriane Lee, alee@ybca.org 451.321.1307
Artists InSight: Performing Arts Presenting—From Theory to Practice with Kenneth Foster
Tue, Sep 11, 6:30 pm • Screening Room
$10 Regular
FREE for YBCA Members or with Kassys performance ticket
Join YBCA Executive Director Kenneth Foster for a reading and signing of his new book, Performing Arts Presenting: From Theory to Practice. Published by the Association of Performing Arts Presenters, this comprehensive book and establishes the performing arts presenter’s role in creating connections between art, artists, audience and community.
Official Website: http://www.ybca.org
Added by YBC for the Arts on September 7, 2007