Public Emergency: DC Central Kitchen Suspends Daily Service of 2300 Meals
After 17 years of helping feed the homeless, the DC Central Kitchen suspended its service to local shelters Monday. On Tuesday, the non-profit did not deliver 2,300 meals to eight city homeless shelters. Program administrators cite ?lack of financial support from the community and unresponsive leadership? for their decision (see links to Washington Post articles below).
A visit to the Franklin Shelter yesterday, May 2, confirmed that the shelter was in a desperate situation and had no idea how it would continue to provide daily meals for its 240-275 residents. We can only speculate about the politics behind this crisis, but we can help see to it that people do not go hungry as a result.
As part of our ongoing weekly service to the city?s homeless population, the DC Anti-War Network (DAWN) has committed to help the Franklin Shelter every Thursday, beginning this Thursday at 6 pm, until the crisis has been resolved. We urge others to help by donating food or money.
DAWN has set up a special paypal account to fund this endeavor. You can contribute directly at or try this direct link (may not work in your browser):¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF&charset=UTF%2d8 .
Just to give you an idea, $30.00 buys rice, beans, and tortillas for 100 people. Any amount you can donate would be appreciated. Funds over and above what we need for this specific effort will be applied to the costs of our ongoing service to DC residents who are homeless, for food, beverages, paper goods, toiletries, and metro cards.
You can also get in touch with DC's shelters directly and find out how you can help (see the listing below). Please, let us come together as a community and do what we can to fight the effects of this assault on human health and dignity.
Our needs:
-Existing groups (clubs, faith-based organizations, neighborhood associations, groups of friends) to organize help at one of the various shelters or by contacting them as to their needs (remember, we are only able to cover one meal on one day of the week at Franklin Shelter, and that in and of itself is a daunting task)
-Significant kitchen space (huge need) with capacity to prepare large amounts of food
-Big pots and pans
-In our particular case, donations of volunteer time are always appreciated;
-and/or money
-of course, food donations (though, if you have particular food donations we should strategize about the critical problem of distribution)
-demands upon the city government that they get this crisis with DC Central Kitchen Resolved (more on that to come).
If you can help or need help coordinating ways you can help, please call Becky Sambol at 703-463-0558 or by email at .
DC Central Kitchen Suspending Service
D.C. Group Stops Meals At Homeless Shelters
Nonprofit Says It Needs More City Funding
Men?s Shelters
Community for Creative Non-Violence
425 2nd St. NW
Emery Shelter
1725 Lincoln Rd. NE
Franklin Shelter
13th & K Streets, NW
La Casa
1436 Irving St. NW
New York Avenue Shelter
1355-57 New York Avenue, NE
St. Elizabeth?s Hospital
2700 A. St. SE
Women?s Shelters
John L. Young Shelter
119 D Street NW
Open Door Shelter
2nd & D Streets, NW
Official Website:§ion_id=1
Added by jsmacdonald on May 3, 2006
Please forward to your lists; forward to your co-workers. This gift, however, is not tax deductible. If you want to make a tax deductible gift to the DC Anti-War Network, please do so through the Washington Peace Center. In that case, write a check payable to the Washington Peace Center (and say that you are earmarking it for "DAWN's homeless service") and send it to them at Washington Peace Center
1426 9th Street NW, Suite 306
Washington, DC 20001
The Washington Peace Center is the DC Anti-War Network's 501c3 sponsor.