Public Art "Round Robin": Matching Artists with Resources
Wednesday, February 25, 2009, starts at 5pm
219 WEST at the corner of W 4th and Lavaca streets
Wondering how your studio work could translate into public art? Looking for artistic inspiration in new materials, tools or technology?
This February, Art in Public Places (AIPP) is playing matchmaker, connecting local artists and businesses, one-on-one, to explore new materials, tools, technology and inspire potential collaborations for public art.
The “Round Robin” format takes its cues from speed-dating - We hope to match artists with a variety of local businesses and inspire collaborations for public art in Austin. Local businesses will be stationed at tables while artists visit at each table in 3-5min intervals to discuss the resources offered by each business and determine the match. After 3-5 min, each artist will move one table to the right, and so on, until all businesses have been visited by each artist.
While seating is limited for round-robin, we'll have informal opportunities for artists and businesses to mix and mingle and spark ideas for public art. This informal setting is an opportunity to initiate conversations that will benefit local business and lead to innovative collaborations in the creation of public art for the City of Austin.
Local businesses invited to participate include: • Landscape design • Lighting design • New technology • Metal fabricator • Risk management • Foundry • Sound engineer • Structural engineer • and more...
Official Website:
Added by salvo cheque on February 17, 2009