Whether it's Friday, Saturday, or even Sunday at times, we like to enjoy a nice cold beer in a great bar. But there's only one day in the year when we can truly indulge in the different brews that the world have to offer….all in one day…in conjunction with our comrades in Germany - Oktoberfest! We've all seen the infamous film Beer Fest, but now it's time to partake in the same popular festivities with a good old fashioned pub crawl in New York City that packs a theme like none other - the official 2012 New York City Oktoberfest Pub Crawl! The producer's of the world's largest pub crawl, PubCrawls.com, are looking to break into the record books yet again, only with this special event that will pack the streets of Manhattan with folks looking for the next great bar during their Oktoberfest pub crawl hunt. Let the countdown begin, because this crawl is taking place on Friday, September 28!
We'll set the stage for you to visit the best bars that the city has to offer, and you'll be able to enjoy the best drink specials at each one as a special ticket holder. There's no need to spend your Oktoberfest in one bar all day long when you can enjoy the best watering holes that the city has to offer. Just be sure to get your tickets as soon as you can, because everyone knows that PubCrawls.com is known to sell out their highly popular events in no time!
For more info please visit http://pubcrawls.com/events/special/oktoberfest-pub-crawl-new-york-sep28.php or call 212.724.3900
Added by WeSell1 on September 18, 2012