5305 Elliott Drive
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

“Psychiatric Disorders in Chemically Dependent Individuals: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations” will be presented on Tuesday October 16, 2012; 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm; by Dr. Patrick Gibbons, LMSW, DO; Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at the University of Michigan; Medical Director of the WCHO Community Crisis Response Team; consultant with Pain Management Solutions in Ann Arbor; and Medical Director of Dawn Farm. This program will provide an overview of co-occurring addiction and psychiatric illness, including standard criteria by which psychiatric, chemical dependency and substance-induced disorders are diagnosed; individual considerations for determining the appropriate course of treatment; available psycho-social and pharmacologic treatment interventions; and the perspectives of both the person with addiction and the treatment provider on addiction and psychiatric illness. This program is part of the FREE, annual Dawn Farm Education Series. Our presentations offer helpful, hopeful, practical information that supports people with alcohol and other drugs addiction in achieving, maintaining, and strengthening their recoveries. The series educates family members on issues relating to addiction and its effect on the family, and offers information that will be useful for family members and friends in relating to people with alcohol and other drug addiction whether they are actively using or in recovery. Professionals and students will also benefit from this pertinent information. All programs are free and open to anyone interested. Registration is not required. 1.5 hours of free C.E. approved by MCBAP (Michigan Certification Board for Addiction Professionals) is offered for each program. A certificate to document attendance is provided on request. The Education Series is organized by Dawn Farm, a non-profit community of programs providing a continuum of chemical dependency services. For information, please contact Matt Statman, LLMSW, CADC, Education Series Coordinator, at 734-485-8725 or info@dawnfarm.org, or see http://www.dawnfarm.org/programs/education-series.
LOCATION: St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center Auditorium (ground floor,) 5305 Elliott Drive, Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Added by teensusingdrugs on August 5, 2012