1672 University at McGee
Berkeley, California 94703-1455

Symbols are our first language, the foundation for our perennial teachings for psychological well-being: dreams, myths, and folklore. This course uses Jean Cocteau's sublime film La Belle et la Bete to explore the symbolic language of folk tales. We will practice the art of mining cinematic imagery and technique to search for what this luminous film reveals about its archetypal, psychological, and spiritual themes.

Recognize psychospiritual and developmental essentials of animal-groom folk tales.
Cultivate dream skills, working with key scenes in the film as dream material.
Identify cinematic methods of conveying symbology using shot-by-shot analysis.

Deepen your working knowledge of symbology.
Practice and develop your dreamwork skills.
Discover the psychological and spiritual dimensions of this beloved folk tale.
Delve into the imaginal treasures of Jean Cocteau's luminous cinema masterwork.
"La Belle et la Bete"
5 Hours CEUs for therapists and counselors.

Open to therapists, educators, dream workers, pastoral counselors, spiritual directors, movie lovers, artists, and anyone interested in the language of symbols.

Led by Terry Gilmaster, MS has been facilitating individual and group soul work for over twenty-five years, specializing in spiritual direction, dream tending, archetypal psychology, and cross-cultural wisdom practices.

For more information contact Terry at dreamterry@gmail.com.

$45 General / $75 CEU Credit.

Official Website: http://dream-institute.org/

Added by FullCalendar on April 30, 2009