Thursday May 13, 12–9pm with an opening reception from 7–9pm
Friday May 14–Sunday, May 16, 10am–7pm
More information available at http://www.psygeocon.org/.
Glowlab is pleased to announce Psy.Geo.Conflux 2004, the second in an annual series dedicated to current artistic and social investigations in psychogeography [the study of the effects of the geographic environment on the emotions and behavior of individuals]. Part festival and part conference, it brings together visual and sound artists, writers, urban adventurers and the public to explore the physical and psychological landscape of the city. Events will take place throughout NYC, with a headquarters located at PARTICIPANT INC, 95 Rivington St. between Orchard and Ludlow. The Conflux headquarters will serve as a place for participants and visitors to meet, pick up maps and schedules, and attend lectures. All events will be free and open to the public.
Psy.Geo.Conflux 2004 will feature a full program of events from Thursday through Sunday, including experimental walks with altered maps and navigational aids; high-tech drifts through the city using wearable computing devices; a human-scale chess game to take place in Times Square; a walking presentation of an urban documentary project commissioned by the New Museum of Contemporary Art; a series of temporary installations, lectures, audio and video works and more.
Added by tylix on May 11, 2004