Smith Memorial Building, 1825 SW Broadway
Portland, Oregon 97207

PSU Media Education day

The 4th Annual MEdIA Day at Portland State University will be April 30th, 2008. MEdIA (Media Education In Action) Day, is an effort to educate and empower the public by promoting awareness and motivating social change. MEdIA Day is an all day event designed to inform the Portland community about current media issues and inspire them to apply this knowledge to their daily media consumption. The event will include panel discussions, educational booths, and a daylong film festival, as well as live music. Each year this event is supported by local companies, artists, musicians and the University.

This year’s MEdIA Day will focus on topics that include children and the media, media ownership and independent media, media content, politics in the media and the upcoming DTV conversion. There will be a number of panel discussions, films with discussions, and games to provide a fun and educational atmosphere. This year’s MEdIA Day will have media professionals providing insight and opinions regarding media related topics. A variety of information and resources supporting independent media will be provided at the educational booths for attendees.

MEdIA Day will run from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm on Wednesday April 30th, 2008. It will take place on the second floor of the Smith Memorial Student Union on the Portland State University Campus. For more information and a detailed schedule of events please contact

Official Website:

Added by multimodal on April 27, 2008

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