A free lecture series sponsored by the
College of Urban & Public Affairs
Daniel Kemmis
Is the Presidency Over-Rated?
For months now, we have been inundated with coverage of the upcoming presidential election, replete with claims about what it means for the future of the republic. Daniel Kemmis will challenge us to ask whether a healthy democracy should put so much emphasis on one particular office. Is the “imperial presidency” itself a threat to democracy? Should we be trying to spread power more evenly between branches and across jurisdictions?
Wednesday, April 2nd at 7:00 p.m.
Smith Memorial Student Center Ballroom, 3rd floor
Portland State University
1825 SW Broadway
Daniel Kemmis is a senior fellow at The University of Montana’s Center for the Rocky Mountain West. Mr. Kemmis was formerly Mayor of Missoula, Montana, and a former Speaker and Minority Leader of the Montana House of Representatives.
Mr. Kemmis serves on the Board of Directors of Philanthropy Northwest and the Missoula Redevelopment Agency. He is Chair of the Board of the Northwest Area Foundation and Chair of the Program Committee of the Kettering Foundation Board of Trustees.
This lecture is co-sponsored by the Portland State University:
College of Urban & Public Affairs
Social Equity and Opportunity Forum
Hatfield School of Government
National Policy Consensus Center
Official Website: http://www.pdx.edu/events/18781/
Added by multimodal on March 24, 2008