Sr. Madonna Buder, 80-year-old triathlete, Ironman competitor and author of the book, "The Grace to Race," will be the keynote speaker at the Providence Marianwood 11th Annual Spring Celebration Luncheon.
Buder's talk will reflect on her life experiences of finding wisdom and inspiration in running and participating in Ironman competitions.
Buder, who is a member of the Sisters for Christian Community in Spokane, Wash., began running at age 48 after hearing a priest speak about the physical and spiritual benefits of running. At age 52 she added swimming and biking to her repertoire. In 2007, at age 77, she was named a "Hero of Running" by "Runners World" magazine. Since 1982 she has completed more than 300 triathlons, including 34 Ironman competitions, earning her the title of "Iron Nun." Buder's book, "The Grace to Race: The Wisdom and Inspiration of the 80-Year-Old World Champion Triathlete Known as the Iron Nun" was published in 2010.
John Curley, KIRO FM 97.3 evening talk radio host, will emcee the event.
The luncheon is the premier fundraiser for the residents who call Providence Marianwood home.
Providence Marianwood, located in Issaquah, is the only non-profit rehabilitation and long-term healthcare provider in east King County. More than 60 percent of the long term care residents at Marianwood have exhausted their personal financial resources and insurance benefits. Marianwood's mission is to provide round-the-clock skilled nursing care to those in need regardless of their ability to pay. As a non-profit healthcare provider, Marianwood belongs to the communities it serves. Hundreds of individuals, corporations and foundations nurture and support the organization each year with their charitable contributions. Overseen by a board of directors of Eastside residents and professionals, Marianwood depends on the Spring Celebration Luncheon as its largest fundraising event of the year.
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Added by FullCalendar on April 15, 2011