As we continue our journey into 2009 it's a new time for both triumphs and challenges that will redefine who we are, where we are going, and what our lives are ultimately about. No matter where we are in life, we are always at or near a crossroads. It takes only a moment, or decision to take a turn, alter our path, and reshape our destiny. A simple change in what we focus on, the meanings we create, and what we do as a result, can create a different life, regardless of what's happening in the external environment.
If you're an entrepreneur, or if you have the dream of becoming an entrepreneur to take control of your own finances and future, you will join us Saturday, April 4th ... no excuses, no drama, no hesitation.
Is 2009 THE Year You Have Decided ToMake Your First Million?
Do you want to create for yourself and your world what you've never manifested before?
If so, be a part of this legendary networking & wealth creation event for feminine women entrepreneurs ready to take center stage in 2009.For an amazing opportunity to:
Promote your business
Network with other entrpreneurial women
Learn invaluable lessons on internet marketingAnd become a legendary woman...
The Proverbs 31 Woman Experience was founded by Dorris Burch, to help women create the lifestyle and happiness they desire.
We all have a Purpose in life and a Destiny to fulfill.
Drawing on one of the ancient historys greatest stories, Dorris Burch shows how the secrets of Proverbs 31 Woman can give you the keys to rise to the top and live powerfully on your path to success.
On April 4th Dorris Burch, Michelle Nelson,Dr. Jennifer Martin, Joan Prenger and Lethia Owenswill discuss the role Women Entrepreneurs have in healing the 2009 economic crisis.
Dorris will also show you how to:
Harness the internet powerfully to catapult your business success.
Use the ancient story of Proverbs 31 Woman as a template for doing business in a way that is aligned with your life purpose.
Receive a serious course correct on your beliefs about money & what's possible for you in this economy...
How the divine feminine is the key remedy for healing broken economic systems.
Why only businesses based on Universal Principles will achieve 7-figure results (and what these Universal Principles are!)
How to adopt an entirely new, qualified-response method for making decisions that will revolutionize your capacity for execution.
What IF during the 2009 economic crisis...women entrepreneurs like us are the ones making millions?
What IF during the 2009 economic crisis... women entrepreneurs are the ones contributing financially to healing world hunger?
What IF during the 2009 economic crisis...when millions of jobs are being taken away from hard-working Americans... women entrepreneurs are the ones creating new jobs?
What IF during the 2009 economic crisis...as millions of people around the world are losing their paychecks and retirement funds YOU created your first or second million using the internet?
What IF during the 2009 economic crisis...as millions of people are tightening up, spending less and are unable to afford their once a year family vacation, you enjoy 4 international and exotic vacations?
What if during the 2009 economic crisis...when our world needs private money the most YOU donated $100,000 to breast cancer research or the environment or animal welfare or child poverty or clean drinking water or orphanages?
Ticket Info: - April event (please help us in our planning by understanding that all tickets are non-refundable., $49.00
- Cover Girl Business Showcase table for April event, $65.00
Official Website: http://proverbs31womanexperience-upcoming.eventbrite.com