Parents often feel heightened emotions when they bring their infants to a professional child care provider, because of inborn "protective urges." Caregivers also feel protective and emotional about the care of infants. It is important for caregivers to know strategies that can ease parents' anxieties about using care, as well as steps they can take to deal with their own feelings when working with parents.
A menudo los padres sienten emociones fuertes cuando traen a sus bebs a un cuidador profesional, debido al instinto de "necesidad urgente de proteger. Los cuidadores tambin se sienten protectores y emocionales acerca del cuidado de los bebs. Es importante que los cuidadores conozcan estrategias que pueden aliviar las ansiedades de los padres sobre el uso de la guardera, as como los pasos que pueden tomar para lidiar con sus propios sentimientos acerca de la colaboracin con los padres.
Presented by/Presentado por Jeanette Bellerive, Program for Infant, Toddler Caregivers
Organized by Community Child Care Council of Santa Clara County, Inc.The 4C Council is thoroughly committed to coordinating and promoting the accessibility of licensed or exempt child care for all parents, children and providers in the community with a wide range of information and support services that encourage parents to seek a safe, healthy environment for child care. Please contact our Resource and Referral Department at (408) 487-0749 with any questions.
Visit us at www.4c.org
Providing Early Care and Education 4Children
Ticket Info: Workshop Registration/El Precio, $10.00
Official Website: http://potectiveugesprentcaregiverrelations-upcoming.eventbrite.com