Promoting your new business book. If you've written (or are writing) a book to gain credibility in your field and to be known as a Topic Expert this event is for you. Lisa will show you the ropes for personal branding and marketing, versus JUST marketing your book. Book sales come from that too.
In this info-packed session Lisa Orrell will teach you highly effective, yet simple strategies for generating book sales and getting more notoriety for yourself as an Author & Expert.
You'll get answers to important questions such as:
* How can I attract more media attention so that my book (and I!) get more mass exposure?
* What online strategies work to increase my book sales?
* Other than driving buyers to Amazon to get book sales, what are other "unique" ways I can sell my book?
Don't miss Lisa's informative presentation for answers to those questions...and many more!
LISA ORRELL is known as The Promote U Guru, and is an in-demand Branding & Marketing Expert and Certified Success Coach with over 20-years of experience. Recently she was voted one of the "Top 30 Most Influential Brand Gurus in the World", and she is also the recipient of over 75 National & International awards for marketing excellence. Lisa works with small business owners, coaches, consultants, entertainers, academics, speakers and authors. Plus, she herself is the author of 4 popular business books and a professional speaker who conducts presentations all over the U.S. And based on her expertise, she has been interviewed by, or written articles for, countless media, including: ABC, MSNBC, NPR, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Cosmo, China's HerWorld Magazine, and
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 13, 2012