10455 E. 8th Street
Bellevue, Washington 98004

Join ProLango and our venue sponsor, Maggiano's Little Italy, at our last ProLango Career Mixer of 2009 as we explore how to reach the so called "unapproachable".

Whether you're a job seeker looking to break into a company or an account executive looking to build your portfolio of clients, it's a must to know how to reach the decision makers. In this short presentation we'll cover Social Media strategies (LinkedIn, Twitter) that will allow you to connect to almost anyone.

Topic: How to reach the "unapproachable" via Social Media Tools (LinkedIn, Twitter)

Other Details: In addition to a no-host bar, Maggiano's will put out an appetizer buffet (see details below).

Our last mixer had 465+ registrations including 77 attending companies. Company representatives at our mixers included: Cardiac Science, BECU, Boeing, PACCAR, Vertafore, EMC, Starbucks, Expedia, Sound Transit, Microsoft, and T-Mobile.

Venue Details:
Once again we will be at Maggiano's Little Italy in their spacious banquet facility which includes: 2 no-host bars (dedicated), private access, and validated parking. In addition a buffet of popular appetizers will be available for $ 5.50 (tax included).

Interested in sponsoring these events?
ProLango Career Mixers is the perfect chance to feature your business in front of hundreds of potential customers. Contact Christine Szekeres at christine@prolango.com or 425.444.0267 for more information.

Official Website: http://www.prolango.com

Added by FullCalendar on October 23, 2009

Interested 1