The Progressive .NET eXchange will feature 16 intensive .NET Tutorials on various modern .NET technologies. Registration is now open! Only 100 places available, so if you want to come get your skates on!
Early Bird Offer - 3 days of Tutorials
* Book on or before February 28th and pay just £525
* Book on or before March 31st and pay just £700
* From April 1st, tickets go at £1,000/person
WebTech eXchange
These Progressive .NET tutorials form part of the WebTech eXchange Tutorial Days.
If you register for The WebTech Tutorial Days, you will automatically receive a Promo Code, which will entitle you to £150 discount off your WebTech eXchange ticket!
Come see:
Scott Bellware - Ian Cooper - Sebastien Lambla - Oren Eini aka Ayende Rahien - Hamilton Verissimo de Oliveira - Mike Hadlow - David Laribee - Gojko Adzic
Official Website:
Added by Skills Matter on February 9, 2009