6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

The Programming in Objective-C 2.0 course is designed for beginner programmers, or those who are new to the Objective-C programming language.
The course will get you up to speed on the tools and techniques of programming. Students will learn the fundamentals of ANSI C and Objective-C and get a solid background and foundation for learning iPhone and iPad development. The course is taught in our state-of-the-art Apple Certified facilities and you can use our state-of-the-art computers or bring your own MacBook or MacBook Pro if you prefer.

This course is fast-paced and intensive and designed to get you working efficiently and creatively in Objective-C. We have designed it as an effective combination between instructor-led demonstrations and supervised working lab where our practice exercises are designed to reinforce key concepts taught to help you gain proficiency fast. Students - you'll receive an introduction to fundamentals of ANSI C programming, as well as object-oriented programming with Objective-C classes, objects, methods, messages, instance variables, and more. Our instructor will also teach students a more in-depth understanding of how Objective-C actually works to help you when you are trying to learn a new feature of Objective-C, or resolve a problem in the debugger.
Programming in Objective-C 2.0 is a great preparation to our five-day iOS Applications Development with the SDK 4.0 course.

Course Prerequisites
Students must have some programming experience.
Understanding of object-oriented languages such as C++, Java or C# is a great plus
Mastery of Objective-C is not required and will be taught in depth in the course
Students must have their own iPhone OS-based device (an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is recommended)

Course Agenda:
Learn the fundamentals of ANSI C programming and the standard C libraries
Get a solid understanding of C functions and data structures
Learn to create and use Objective-C objects and classes
Understand dynamic binding and the Objective-C runtime
Become familiar with the basic concepts of object-oriented programming
Become familiar with Foundation framework classes and APIs

Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Understand principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP): classes, objects, instances, and methods
Write and debug programs in Objective-C using Xcode
Understand data types and how to write expressions
Use basic control constructs for looping and making decisions
Define classes and write instance and class methods
Use properties, synthesized accessor methods, and the dot operator
Pass and return objects to methods
Understand the self and super keywords and their use
Understand inheritance
Learn more about variables and scope
Write initialization methods
Learn how to add a category to a class
Learn about protocols and conformance
Take advantage of polymorphism and dynamic typing
Work with the preprocessor
Understand underlying C language features such as arrays, functions, structures, and pointers
Use enumerated data types and typedef
Use the basic Foundation classes to work with numbers and strings
Work with Foundation collections: arrays, dictionaries, and sets in your program
Use fast enumeration on collections
Copy and archive objects
Manage memory, understand retain counts, and use the autorelease pool to avoid memory leaks
Introduction to the iPhone SDK
Develop your first iPhone application using the iPhone simulator
Understand IBOutlet and IBAction and use Interface Builder to design a UI and make the connections
Use what you've learned to write an iPhone fraction calculator application

Contact: Cari Jones, Corporate Account Manager
Email: CariJ@fmctraining.com
Phone: 407-354-4866

Official Website: http://www.fmctraining.com/fmc.asp?v=Apple&g=iOS+App+Development&i=1187

Added by Fmc-Orlando on October 18, 2011

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