8525 Garland Rd
Dallas, Texas 75218

Join us on February 23 for our annual program designed for horticulture professionals. Join three experts on container gardening for a morning of inspiration and education! Tres Fromme, designer for StudioOutside and former design leader at Longwood Gardens, will kick off the day by showing you innovative and inspiring garden design ideas that will wow your clients or garden guests. From the artistic to the practical, Tres will help bring out your creative side. Next, Rita Randolph, owner of Randolph's Greenhouses in Jackson, TN, who has written for Fine Gardening magazine, including their Container Gardening Issue, will share the newest trends in container gardening, unique design principles and mix of plants, plant characteristics to look for, and the importance of choosing the right container. Also included will be soil mixes, topdressing and insulation ideas, production methods and tips on retailing. Next, Jimmy Turner, Senior Director of Gardens at the Arboretum, will cover a wide variety of the latest annual and perennial plant material and successful plant combinations that you will want to include in your next landscaping project. His plant selections are based on years of research done at the Arboretum. As an added bonus, Jackson Pottery will have plenty of their latest and most beautiful containers on display so that you can start choosing the best ones for your next project. Come find out how you can offer your clients a new option for seasonal color and visual interest in their landscape.TNLA credit available. Online registration available.

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