You want to learn how to become a professional organizer and start your own business. You are probably asking yourself, How do I begin? We have your answer. Our expert Certified Professional Organizers and team of high-caliber Trainers will:
Equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to become a successful professional organizer entrepreneur and business owner.
Show you how to cut out months or even years of annoying mistakes and learning curves, because in this economy you need to make money immediately.
Position you to attract your ideal client.
Teach you new organizing skills and techniques to work with a variety of client types.
Instruct you on how to clearly communicate your value and how to charge for your valuable services.
Provide you with proven processes and systems to organize others and transfer organizing skills.
Guide you through the process of working with a real client and gain confidence.
Provide you with expert legal and tax advice along with a DVD of each of those sessions for future reference.
Answer ALL of your questions.
Coach and work with you after the training program to implement your business and marketing plans; launch your business, and much more.
The Professional Organizer Training Institute is the leading global provider of both business development and professional organizer client engagement training. We have trained participants the world over with our highly successful and proven training program for Professional Organizer entrepreneurs and business owners.
Whether you are contemplating about forming a business as a Professional Organizer, or are a newly formed professional organizer business, our training programs have something for you!
Training is available to you in person via our Seminar Training Program and Client Practicum, world-wide via state-of-the-art Webinar Training Program, or with individual coaching, mentoring, and our Self Study Training Program making it financially and geographically achievable for everyone.
Unit I is focused on small business fundamentals, forming your business as a professional organizer, assessing your skills as both an organizer and business owner, how to communicate your value and charge for your services, and creating a comprehensive marketing plannewly expanded to include how to develop a successful website and blog, and one years worth of content for a monthly e-newsletter to send to your clients and contacts.
Unit II equips you with a detailed understanding of the client process, including our 5 Steps to Organizing, both residential and business needs assessments, creating an Organizing Plan of Action, techniques for working with clients on paper, time and space (clutter), and client case studies and techniques for working with ADD/ADHD, CD, Student, and Senior clients.
Unit III Professional Organizer Training Institute program is a full day practicum focused on putting into action everything you have learned in Day One and Day Two with a real client including our highly successful 5 Steps to Organizing. This is an energy intensive day where you will demonstrate your learning over the past two days, unique approach to organizing, skills and teamwork.
Seminar Training Program Features:
Professional Organizer Training Institute Certified designation is issued to participants upon completion of 19 hours of course work and 8 hours of a hands-on client practicum organizing project through our Seminar Training Program and demonstration of the organizing and business skills necessary to be a Professional Organizer business owner.
A listing on our high-traffic website.
A Certificate of Professional Development (27 hours) ready for framing and/or inclusion in your portfolio.
Highly Qualified Instructors who are Certified Professional Organizers, and high-caliber experts in the legal and tax fields.
Professional Organizer Core Competencies: This training will equip you with core Professional Organizer competencies preparing you for becoming a successful Professional Organizer business owner.
Manual: Complete and comprehensive manuals (over 250 pages) for your reference and guidance upon completion of your professional organizer training program.
Forms: 45+ handouts and turnkey forms that you can begin using immediately with your company logo including; needs assessment forms for both residential and business, services and fees agreement, Organizing Plan of Action, checklists to guide you through each phase of the client process, and new for 2009 12 months of e-newsletter content for you to send to your clients and contacts.
Videos: Online audio and visual recordings of Anne Blumer, CPO guiding you through the manuals, sharing her experience-lessons learned, and enthusiasm of the curriculum for your ongoing reference and guidance.
DVD of the tax and legal sessions as presented by Julia Fitzgerald, CPA and Anne Koch, Attorney at Law for your ongoing reference.
Workshop Presentations: Three organizing workshop presentations (paper, time, and clutter) that you can immediately use and present to the public gaining you clients fast!
Client Practicum: A full 8-hour day client organizing project practicum for implementing the client process with a real client including our highly successful 5 Steps to Organizing.
Systems and Solutions: With our 5 Steps to Organizing process and client process checklists you will be fully prepared and know how to implement a clients organizing project with ease and confidence.
Ongoing Training Blog: With answers to your organizing and business questions, recommended resources, and much more.
Ongoing Mentor and Support: Continued support by phone and e-mail at NO additional cost.
10% discount on our new (beginning 2009) Unit IV Webinar Room-by-Room Residential Organizing. This unit provides you with approaches and techniques for organizing each room of a home including how to apply the 5 Steps to Organizing process, keep-let go criteria to help you through difficult client decisions, 6 challenging stumbling blocks to letting go and how to overcome them, and for each room the typical problems (habits) that cause disorganization, zones, product solutions from budget to extreme, new organizing habits, estimated time for organizing, before/after visuals, and a basic maintenance plan to follow.
Reasons to select the Professional Organizer Training Institute Seminar Training Program for your professional development:
Our program has been delivered 30 times in the past 5 years and has received excellent ratings from all participants. You wont find a more comprehensive training option anywhere in the world!
It would cost you more (in both time and financial investment) from other sources and the information would not be as extensive or as comprehensive as what the Professional Organizer Training Institute provides.
Our trainers are CPOs(other program trainers are not and cannot share this experience or level of expertise with you).
You need to make money immediately and we will show you how to cut out months or even years of annoying mistakes and learning curves so you can.
No sales tax in Oregon!
You have access to both the online audio and visual recordings of Anne Blumer, CPO guiding you through the manuals, sharing her experience-lessons learned, and enthusiasm of the curriculum.
Manuals comprised of over 250 pages of sought after information on how to start and manage your professional organizer business.
Over 160 participants trainedover 75 in 2008 alone!read what they have to say about the program
You will leave equipped with the knowledge, skills, experience and confidence to successfully launch and manage all aspects of your professional organizer business.
We will provide you with ongoing support and mentor at NO additional cost to insure your business action plan is completed in the shortest time possible and help you through sticky client situations.
You dont want to miss this!! Due to increased registration activity, we can now train 8 participants per seminar. 2008 seminars filled early. Register today to secure your attendance in our Seminar Training Program and begin turning your passion for organizing into a successful and rewarding business.
Register before March 11, 2009 for our EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION rate of only $1,299!!! Register online now.
I believe in the immense value of this profession. I want others who aspire to it to represent the industry as experienced and knowledgeable professionals. That is why I developed the Professional Organizer Training Institute, to share my learning in the hopes that others will benefit greatly from my experiences. I hope you will join me at a training program soon!
Anne Blumer, CPO
Open to the Public
Register byMarch 112009 and pay only $1,299. After March 11, 2009 regular rate is $1,499. (Fee includes a continental breakfast and lunch all three days.)
Organized by Professional Organizer Training InstituteThe Professional Organizer Training Institute is the leading global provider of both business development and professional organizer client engagement training.We have trained participants the world over with our highly successful and proven training program for Professional Organizer business owners.
Whether you are contemplating about forming a business as a Professional Organizer, or are a newly formed professional organizer business, our training programs have something for you! The choice is yours - Register today!
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Registration before March 11, 2009, $1,308.95
- Regular Registration, $1,508.95
Official Website: http://professionalorganizerseminar-upcoming.eventbrite.com