2111 Oak St.
Columbia, South Carolina 29204

Hello Business Professionals:

Conflict Resolution Connections is having a professional mixer and you are invited. Our goal is to introduce you to our team and introduce you to other dynamic individuals and companies who are looking for an edge in today’s market. Our professional mixer is designed with you in mind.

Conflict Resolution Connections, LLC (CRC) based out of Columbia, South Carolina, is a woman-owned business, and is gracefully entering its third year as a small business. Conflict Resolution Connections is looking forward to providing services throughout South Carolina and the neighboring states. Contact CRC now to schedule a consultation, to see how we can help bring peace to your life or organization. Conflict Resolution Connections gives individuals and companies the convenience of providing on-site training or workshops; traveling to you or your company.

Date of event: Wednesday February 11, 2009
Time of event: 5:30pm – 8:00pm

Location: The Cecil Tillis Training Center

2111 Oak Street Columbia, SC 29204

Invitations extended to: business professionals, corporations, organizations, agencies, non-profits, small & large businesses.

For further information visit our website www.conflictconnect.com. I look forward to meeting you.

- Everyone bring their business cards.

- Dress attire is business casual.

- The event is FREE.

- There will be door prizes.

- Serving appetizers.

- CRC will be raffling Victoria Secret and Bath & Body Works products.

Warmest Regards,

Aisha S. Baltimore, MA

Ashley N. Adams, BA

Conflict Resolution Connections,LLC
Aisha S. Baltimore
Ashley N. Adams
PO Box 601
Columbia, SC 29204

Official Website: http://www.conflictconnect.com

Added by conflict_connect on January 22, 2009

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