If your product revenue isn't growing fast enough, it may be a result of too many products going in too many directions with too many number one priorities. Learn five fundamentals that will make it easy for everyone to focus on the same things, burn fewer cycles and drive a healthier revenue stream.
Product Management University - San Jose is the place to get them. No talking heads. No text book theories. Just simple, useful techniques delivered in a no nonsense fashion.
**Easier to Learn. Easier to Practice.**
The Five Step Framework for Growing Product Revenue
1. Market Assessment - Perform an objective market assessment to determine the most lucrative markets relative to your company strengths. You'll avoid subjective decisions and competing priorities.
2. Strategic Planning - Create a single strategy that aligns product, marketing, sales and operational initiatives around your most lucrative markets.
3. Product Planning & Development - Align product development initiatives with the strategy, create cohesive product release plans across all product lines and minimize one-off initiatives that have no broad market appeal.
4. Product Design & Development - Validate product design (using people outside the company) before building it so you get it right on the first try. Faster time to market and more customer references will be the result.
5. Product Readiness & Rollout - Become proficient at marketing, selling and delivering multi-product solutions that are available today. You don't get paid for anything else.
You'll benefit faster from ZIGZAG Marketing's 5-tier framework because it's easier to learn and adopt than any other framework in high technology product management and marketing.
Get Certified! CPM/CPMM Certification offered after class on Thursday.
SVPMA Members receive a 25% discount. Enter promotional code SVPMA25.
1 Course-$795, 2 Courses-$1195, 3 Courses-$1495 and AIPMM Certification Exam is $395.
Official Website: http://www.zigzagmarketing.com/
Added by FullCalendar on July 26, 2007