SVAMA Presents: The Product Management and Marketing Morning Forum:
Customer Value Proposition and Product Definition
"Customer value proposition" has become one of the most widely used terms in business markets in recent years. Yet the research conducted by the authors of the article reveals that there is no agreement as to what constitutes a customer value proposition.
Delivering customer value is one requirement for a successful product. Thus, it is critical to develop a clear and compelling value proposition as part of the early phases of product definition.
Explore and develop approaches to improve the underlying basis for articulating your company's and products' value propositions and the use of value propositions in product definition.
Facilitator: Ellen Grace Henson, Managing Director, Marketing Mechanics
Bio: Ms. Henson is a strategic product management, marketing, and technology consultant who has worked with a number of companies, from start-ups to $2B in revenues, across diverse markets including manufacturing, energy, enterprise applications and services, interactive and streaming media, database, personalization, interactive training, networking, communications, and collaboration.
When: August 12, 2008. 8:30 - 10:00 AM
Where: Il Fornaio
302 South Market Street
(at the Sainte Claire)
San Jose, CA 95113
Cost: SVAMA members: $5 - Non-members $15
Method: Cash or check
(Breakfast not included)
RSVP: Please help the Facilitator to manage appropriate seating by responding to Ellen Grace Henson at least three days before the event.
Members $5, Non-Members $15, plus meal cost. RSVP to at least three days before the event.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 1, 2008