Modern day consumers are becoming increasingly demanding in their needs, especially when it comes to financial products which can rather be complex. While having good products is fundamental to attracting and retaining valued customer however is no longer good enough in this highly competitive industry. The buzz is always for new products and their sustainability. Banks & other financial institutions compete with one another to increase their market share through various new products or enhancement to old products however it is the customer who decides whether the product fits their needs.
Fleming Gulf presents the Product Development Show for Financial Services where experts in the field of Financial Products & Banking will drive you through an array of Opportunities, Best Practices in the field of Product Development, Business Models, Client Centricity, Product Marketing, Product Sales, Standardization, Operations & Supports.
For more info contact Mr. Karthik Naik | E: | T: +971 4 6091570
Official Website:!e97
Added by Karthik Naik on March 20, 2012