835 Market Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, California 94103

How many times have you stared at the blinking cursor on your computer screen and wanted to tear your hair out? So, instead of writing, you surfed the web, straightened your desk, got up to talk to a co-worker, or even left the office for coffee.

If this is your life, then you just suffered from the Mother of All Evils for a writer: Procrastination. We can forever use the excuse of all those other activities and allow them to come between us and our writing, but in the end we only cheat ourselves, for at the end of the day and at the end our lives, it won't matter that we kept an organized desk. What will matter will be the body of work we've left behind and all the lives we touched through our words.

In this hands-on workshop for communication professionals, instructor, Beth Barany, will take the attendees through a series of short exercises designed to

1) trick the internal editor;

2) foil the freezing fear; and

3) face the project and get the writing done.

Attendees will walk out of the workshop with an arsenal of tricks to lob at the evil monster of procrastination, so whenever it shows up they never have to fear the blank page again. Exercises in this 90 minute hands-on workshop include:

* 60-second Writing Bursts

* Emotions vs. Facts

* Goal vs. Journey

* A 15-minute Writing Prompt

* Brainstorming Cards

* Writer's Adventure Deck exercises

Registration required: Space is limited so register now! Sign up at Acteva.

Presenter Bio
Beth Barany is a Certified Creativity Coach, and author of the forthcoming Writer's Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book. She's online at http://www.bethbarany.com.

Questions: Contact Tina Tuma, Director, Programs at tinatuma@comcast.net

IABC Member - $20 in advance, $30 at the door; Non-members $25 in advance, $30 at the door.

Official Website: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=187226

Added by FullCalendar on July 28, 2009

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