P.O. BOX 45505, Khalifa Street
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi

In the process industry, maintenance costs are often viewed as a necessary evil however, if effectively managed, organisations gain financially through reduced equipment failure, optimisation of maintenance costs, minimised downtime and therefore, increased production time. As companies are increasingly looking to cost-efficiently maintain ageing equipment’s fitness for service an increased focus is placed on maintenance, repair and upgrades of critical equipment.
Process Industry Engineering Maintenance Summit will bring together regional and international Engineering Maintenance, Reliability and Technical Managers to discuss the latest challenges and developments in maintenance and reliability technologies, providing industry best-practices and unique case studies to ensure effective and economical maintenance.
For more information call us on +971 4 364 2975, email enquiry@iqpc.ae or visit www.engineeringmaintenanceme.com

Added by Rana Chandana on March 13, 2011

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